Thursday, August 26, 2010

Reebok: Women's EasyTone Reeinspire Sneakers

So, I REALLY dislike exercise. Add that to my love of eating anything bad for me, and there was a problem. About 3 months ago, I decided that a workout regimen was necessary. I got my Jillian Michaels 30-day Shred DVD and committed to doing it 5 days/week.
I knew I needed some sweet sneakers, and had seen the ads for the EasyTone shoes. Who wouldn't want their shoes to make their leg and butt muscles work harder than usual, while working out, or doing every day activities?
I had seen the Sketchers ShapeUps, but they look so goofy, I just couldn't bring myself to buy them.

The search for the perfect color of EasyTone's began, and I settled on this pair:
By now, you already know how I feel about all things gold, so this should be no surprise. And my luck was that no store in town carried this particular color, so I ordered from the Reebok website. The price of the shoes plus shipping was right around $130. I agree, the price is steep, but I've also gone from flabby legs that wouldn't even SEE a pair of shorts, to being comfortable in shorts around real people!
Granted, I did start working out 5 days per week, but it is not intense leg work, and I really do believe that the shoes have given me that extra little boost that I needed.
I had also noticed that I was starting to get "old lady butt" (wider and fatter at the top than at the bottom) and slowly but surely, I've been returning to a "young-ish lady butt).
You don't feel like you'll tip over or trip with these shoes - the bottoms have air pockets which secretly make you a little off balance, and cause your muscles to work harder to stabilize your body. It really isn't something noticeable though, and I definitely recommend getting a pair of these shoes! Welcome back, cheerleader legs!!!

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