Friday, August 6, 2010

An easy design idea for the weekend!

I get bored easily. I like to change stuff, and in our house, I especially like having random things in random places. Things you normally wouldn't think of, but seem to work.
Now this is just a quick little idea that anyone can do, hardly takes any time, and to me, made a big difference!
They are so boring, so routine.... then you open one up only to be greeted by a paper of your choosing, and somehow, it just makes all the rituals a little more fun.
I had some leftover wrapping paper that I'd bought at World Market, and it was just too stiff to actually wrap anything with. So I removed the shelves from my cabinet, measured the back square, cut the paper to size, and used clear thumb tacks to hold it in place. I put the shelves back up, and arranged my products. It's a little pop of color in an unexpected place. It's a deep green with a gold wash, and gold embossed printing.
This isn't my favorite paper, but was what I had on hand. I really need to find some cream and black striped paper - now THAT would be luxury. You could use wrapping paper, tissue paper, anything you have on hand. Have a great weekend everyone!

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