Monday, July 19, 2010

Zeno HOT SPOT Blemish Clearing Device

Yes, I am almost 30, and yes, I still get zits on occasion. It is weird, embarrassing, and frustrating at times, but something that I just have to deal with!

I am vigilant with my skincare routine, thanks to the Clinique 3-step system, and am always sure to do it, even if I'm sick or super tired. But even after ALL OF THAT, I will still get a zit (that usually comes up when we have pictures, a performance, or something else important!).

I have the normal arsenal of zit creams, but after noticing that none of them actually worked that well, and most ended up leaving me with dry, patchy skin surrounding a big ugly zit (!), I decided I should give the Zeno HOT SPOT a try.

I picked mine up at Target for about $40. Yes, that it is a lot to pay if you aren't sure something will work, but THIS WORKS!

I pretty much get three kinds of zits; the mountainous, under-the-skin ones that you aren't sure will ever pop up, the white ones that I can usually take care of myself, and blackheads which just multiply if I even look cross-eyed at them!

I have found that that HOT SPOT works best on the under-the-skin ones that haven't yet made their way to the surface. I have also tried it on ones that have already come to the surface, and it is effective, just not as effective as with the other type.

It gets its power from a battery, you turn on the power, and put the circle metal tip on the affected area. You hold it there for 2 minutes, and the HOT SPOT runs through a series of beeps, once every 30 seconds. It heats up, and does tend to get pretty warm, but nothing that was uncomfortable to me. There will usually be a small circle of red skin where you've held the HOT SPOT, but that goes away in just a couple of minutes. When it's done, it shuts itself off, you clean it, and put the cap back on. Easy! And no drying chemicals!

Now, the time can really add up if you've got more than a couple of areas to be treated, but I would definitely recommend this product to anyone who suffers from the occasional breakout. And if I've had a really stubborn zit, I'll use the HOT SPOT a couple of times a day, and haven't had any negative reactions to it.

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