Thursday, September 2, 2010

Benefit Creaseless Cream Eyeshadow

Benefit was the first brand of "luxury" makeup that I began buying. Before that, it had all been from Target. I remember the first time that I got the cutest little bag full of Benefit makeup from John, for my birthday. It was truly an amazing feeling. The packaging was kitschy, the products worked amazingly, and it wasn't quite as expensive as some of the other department store brands. I was hooked!
We've talked before about my oily skin, my oily eyelids, and the fact that I wear shadow primer EVERY DAY. Even with that kind of prep work, cream eyeshadows still become a cakey mess on my face. I would have never put the money into a cream eyeshadow, but being a V.I.B. at Sephora allowed me to try a generous sample-size of Benefit's Creaseless Cream Eyeshadow (I am still working on the sample, and got it last year!).
The color of the sample is R.S.V.P., which is a champagne, shimmery gold color. I tried it out, immediately loving the color, but fearing that it wouldn't last. To my astonishment (seriously), this not only lasted until the end of the day without creasing, but still looked amazing!
With 12 colors, and at only $19 for a giant pot of color that lasts forever, this is seriously a great product to have. I have since purchased "Get Figgy" a maroonish-brown, and "Skinny Jeans" a greenish-grey. I'm including a pic of Skinny Jeans, which I am wearing today to work. Here's a hint; this can also be used as a liner, with an eyeliner brush! AMAZING!

Go to Benefit's website!

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