Sunday, December 19, 2010

Farouk Systems CHI 1-inch Ceramic Flat Iron

As flat irons go, I haven't found a "mid-range" flat iron to suit my needs. I can easily find one for $30 at Target, or find them for $100 and up at a specialty store, but no in between prices.
I have always wondered, what is the difference between such a cheap flat iron, and a really expensive one? Is there REALLY a difference? I mean, it's two hot plates that you squeeze together to straighten your hair. What could the big difference really be?
I have always gone with my gut and and purchased the cheapest version at Target, and never thought much about it.
That all changed when I got a coupon from Beauty Brands that showed this:
White flat iron? Yes, please. Skull and cross bones on the flat iron? YES PLEASE. I purchased the CHI Ceramic Flat Iron and never looked back. Here's the difference between this, and the cheaper ones at Target; when you iron your hair with the CHI, it is smooth. It doesn't pull, and doesn't feel rough. There are no heat settings on the CHI - only "on" and "off". Well, wait a minute, I want to select the hottest setting for my hair, just like I did with my Target flat iron. This doesn't exist in CHI land. "On" equals the hottest setting available. The warning tag says you can burn your eyes out, and also that people in Canada are not allowed to use these. Not sure exactly why CHI is OK with Americans burning their eyes out, and not Canadians, but that's another discussion for another time.
Higher heat equals less time in your hair, equals less damage. The smoothness of the ceramic plates means your hair isn't stretched out and then ironed, with also equals less damage. And the thermal carrying case that they come with is amazing. You actually CAN flat iron your hair, unplug, and throw it in the bag. This is especially helpful when I've been traveling and have to pack up - no more waiting for the flat iron to cool off.
The power cord also swivels, and is very long, so it's easy to maneuver, and flat iron wherever you need to.
I can also create tousled flat iron "curls" which give a beachy, rocker look.
I definitely recommend using a protective spray before flat ironing, as the heat is very high. CHI makes their own spray, and also a leave in protectant, and I've used both with great results.
The CHI flat irons also come with a one year warranty, so save your box and receipt. I've searched eBay and found quite a few CHI flat irons for much cheaper, but the risk of that is that you don't have the warranty. If you're OK with that though, you can get a less expensive one online, and have a really great flat iron!
I would definitely recommend not scrimping when it comes to your flat iron - it's for your looks, and for the health of your hair!
Have a beautiful day, lovelies.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Neutrogena Body Oil in Light Sesame

Winter is brutal on my skin, and although I like a heavy cream lotion as much as the next girl, I don't love that it never seems to soak in, and my arms and legs feel "slippery" and sticky all day.
In the winter time, I will itch my legs until they bleed if allowed. I've even been known to use my boar bristle brush to scratch my legs, because they itch so bad!
So what's a girl to do?

Enter Neutrogena Body Oil in Light Sesame. I remember my mom having this on her bathroom counter, and I'd occasionally steal a squirt of it, feeling both luxurious and sneaky at the same time.
It has a light fresh scent, and I apply it to my arms and legs right after drying off from my shower. If you apply when your skin is still a little bit damp, the oil soaks right in, and truly moisturizes all day. It isn't smelly enough to compete with any perfume, but you could use only this, and smell the fragrance throughout the day.
At under $10, the oil is affordable and lasts forever. I think you'll be surprised at how well it moisturizes, without leaving a slippery or sticky feeling. No more brushing my legs until they bleed! Hallelujah!