Thursday, August 18, 2011

Mason Pearson Hairbrush

In the effort of growing out my hair, I am forever buying new sprays, creams, conditioners, stupid expensive shampoo and conditioners... whatever I can do to keep my hair in good shape.
The thing I dislike most when people grow out their hair, is when it starts to look trashy. Long hair = more effort. End of story.

So in the pursuit of nice looking long hair, I embarked on the search for a good hairbrush. Nothing that I could buy at Target, but something that would be an investment. Something that would be forever my go-to hairbrush. The Mason Pearson name is synonymous with quality and after countless Internet searches, it was decided that Mason Pearson would be my new best friend.

We trekked on over to Barney's as this was the only place in town that carried the brushes. I wanted to actually hold the brush and have the instant gratification of buying it, rather than ordering online.

I chose the Handy Mix Bristle (BN3) brush by Mason Pearson. The brush just feels good on your scalp. It is specially weighted so it feels good when you hold it. I've had conversations with this brush. This brush takes care of me. It may sound ridiculous, but if so, then that's probably because you've never had a brush this wonderful. At $108, this brush wasn't cheap, but I can say it was worth EVERY penny. It distributes the oil from my scalp down the shaft of my hair, which helps to keep my hair from drying out. My hair is shinier and smoother, and it is in control.
On days when I'm wearing my hair down, I carry the brush in my bag for mid-day touch ups. Every time I unzip my bag, a little smile comes onto my face when I see my friend. My Mason Pearson brush. It even comes with its own little brush to clean it. Ridiculous!

Here is the description of the brush:
The Handy Bristle & Nylon brush is best suited for normal to thick hair of short to medium-long length.  It has 6 rings of tufts of carefully selected pure boar bristle, each of which contains a longer "spired" nylon strand. The durable nylon strands, with specially rounded ends, are longer than the boar bristles and penetrate through the hair to massage and stimulate the scalp, bringing out the natural oils. The tufts are set in a pneumatic rubber cushion that regulates the penetration of each tuft to gently, but effectively, condition the hair and scalp.  Overall size is 8 1/2 by 2 1/2 inches.  To keep your brush in tip-top shape a cleaning brush is included, as well as complete use and care instructions