Thursday, October 21, 2010

Boscia Luminizing Black Mask

Bonjour, mes amies! I have just returned from a much needed one week vacation in London and Paris with John. My apologies for not updating for awhile, but as you can tell, I had other things on my mind (like crepes!).

When I first read about this mask on the Sephora website, I was mystified. A black face mask? That peels off? How black is it? How scary do you look when you put it on? So many racing questions going through my mind!

I had to have it. I tried ordering it online, and it was sold out. I went to the Boscia website and it was sold out. I called the nearest Sephora store and it was out! How am I going to review products when I can't get them, and I'm a nobody (so no one just sends them to me!)?

My solution was to drive to a Sephora located in a JC Penney store in Tempe (those hippies don't use fancy face masks, right?), and they had the mask in stock! Jackpot!

We raced home, and I carefully applied the mask, avoiding my hairline and my eyebrows, as the website cautioned. This thing must be strong. I let it dry while sipping a gin and tonic and watching Netflix in bed, and then started peeling from the edge.
Remember those Biore nose strips that pulled all the blackheads out of your nose? This is like that, but for your face. NO JOKE.

That satisfying and slightly disgusting sense of joy you get when you look at the back of the mask and see a tiny forest...? This mask does that. My skin felt softer, and refined. When looking at my pores, I couldn't tell a huge difference, but think that with consistent use, I'd be able to tell.

The mask is BLACK. And it pulls. You definitely do not want to get too close to the edges with it. At 2.8 ounces for $34, it's a bit pricey, but this should last me about six months. I have a feeling that this mask will have a cult following, and I will be one of those followers. When I run out, I'll go all over town again to get another.

I hope you all are having a beautiful week!